PENNWAY State Championship for Youth Men's & Women's Divisions will move to accept Youth Wrestlers from West Virginia and Maryland at the 2017 PENNWAY State Championships in Mid February at California University - California, Pa.
PENNWAY State Finals has attracted top Pennsylvania Youth Wrestlers for multiple Ages.
PENNWAY / NUWAY Membership $17 and Top State Placers earn National Sponsorships for multiple high level national events.
2016-2017 Membership will run Sept 2016 thru Sept 2017. Follow PENNWAY on Facebook at: Pennsylvania Wrestling Association for Youth
Info on PENNWAY ..
NUWAY Nationals accepting West Virginia Wrestlers all ages April 9/10 at NUWAY Nationals Individual Tournament.
PENNWAY to Accept WV & MD Wrestlers for 2017 State Finals
PENNWAY to Accept WV & MD Wrestlers for 2017 State Finals
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